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Activated alumina balls 活性氧化铝球

    Also known as modern water purification activated alumina, the English name is Activated Alumina or Reactive alumina; activated alumin (I) um oxide. The use of alumina (AL2O3) in the catalyst is usually called activated alumina. It is a porous, highly dispersed solid material with a large surface area, and its microporous surface has the properties required for catalysis. Such as adsorption performance, fluorine removal performance, drying performance, surface activity, excellent thermal stability, etc., so it is widely used as a household desiccant and a catalyst and catalyst carrier for chemical reactions.

     In petrochemical and fertilizer industries, it is widely used as catalyst and catalyst carrier. Modern water purification activated alumina also has adsorption properties, so it is used as a desiccant for gas and liquid, an adsorbent for gas purification, a defluorinating agent for drinking water, and a color and odor remover for industrial sewage.

    It can be used together with the household defluorination tank, and it is an ideal drinking water defluorination device in the family. The fluoride removal filter material can also be used together with the fluoride removal device of the waterworks or the industrial fluoride removal device. Activation of defluorination filter material for household defluorination device: configure aluminum sulfate solution (3 liters of water, 0.3kg solid aluminum sulfate), put alumina (AL2P3) defluorination filter material into the above solution, soak for 5-10 hours (it should be stirred properly when soaking), and then washed with water for 3-5 times, about 2 liters of water each time, or regenerated by adjusting the pH method, and the pH value is controlled at 7.5. The activated alumina defluorination filter material can be used continuously for 6-8 years. When the surface appears yellowish brown, the defluorination effect is significantly reduced, which is caused by the contamination of impurities in the water. Therefore, it is best to treat it with 3% dilute hydrochloric acid every six months. The operation method is the same as the regeneration method.


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