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Application of Polyferric Sulfate

New, high-quality, high-efficiency iron salt inorganic polymer flocculant, mainly used for excellent water purification effect, good water quality, no harmful substances such as aluminum, chlorine and heavy metal ions, and no water transfer of iron ions, non-toxic, non-toxic Harmful, safe and reliable, it has remarkable effects such as turbidity removal, decolorization, degreasing, dehydration, sterilization, deodorization, algae removal, and removal of COD, BOD and heavy metal ions in water. It is also used for industrial wastewater treatment, such as printing and dyeing wastewater, etc. It is also widely used in foundry, papermaking, medicine, tanning, etc.

Application of Polyferric Sulfate

Polymeric ferric sulfate in the treatment of rare earth industrial wastewater: For example, the device keeps the tiny solid particles of the wastewater and the surface of the high-concentration ionic membrane at a certain distance, greatly reducing the chance of harmful substances and the membrane surface to avoid fouling on the membrane surface. Iron improves the over-circulation of water; this process not only separates high concentrations of rare earth extraction process wastewater with enriched ammonium chloride, rare earth industry standard post-wastewater recycling, and passes electrolysis process and solar energy for a successful hydrochloric acid and ammonia reactor Recovery, polymerization of ferric sulfate reduces the recovery of raw materials produced by the rare earth industry, and also through the use of fuel cells to recover energy. Added that the cost of processing a large amount of wasted water is 40 yuan, which is 1600 tons/day, including 100g/L of chlorinated Ammonium is calculated, through this process, a generation of hydrochloric acid and ammonia water can achieve a profit of 110,000 yuan, which is not only the goal of reduction, stabilization and harmlessness for the country's sewage treatment and disposal; strict control of heavy metals in rare earth industrial wastewater and toxic and polymerized ferric sulfate harmful substances; under the premise of safety, environmental protection and economic recovery, use the energy and resources of waste water and polymerized ferric sulfate waste gas to realize waste water and waste gas treatment and comprehensive utilization, energy saving and emission reduction, and realize the development of circular economy. the goal of.

Polymeric ferric sulfate uses a combination of dielectric electrophoresis technology and osmotic membrane separation technology to reuse and treat sewage, realize technological innovation and technological progress in wastewater treatment, give full play to the investment and operation efficiency of equipment, suit China's national conditions, and meet the characteristics of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. New technologies for wastewater treatment, new technologies for polyferric sulfate and new equipment. If the new technology is widely used, it will improve the treatment and disposal level of industrial wastewater of mining enterprises in the region, and polymerized ferric sulfate will further protect and improve the ecological environment, and promote the sustainable development of our economy, society and environment in this region.

Industrial Wastewater Treatment

1. The treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater can replace the traditional coagulants of low molecular weight iron salts and aluminum salts. Compared with the traditional coagulants, the amount of coagulants is large, the coagulation efficiency is low, and the residues such as aluminum ions are easy to cause secondary pollution. The dosage is about 150ppm, the dosage is small, the removal rate of COD and chroma is high, and the optimal pH value condition is: 8.0. [2] 

2. Electroplating sewage treatment, can be used as coagulant and breaker. The complex is mainly copper-ammonia complex, which is stable in nature, pH=11, and is difficult to directly precipitate with alkali, polyaluminum and other coagulants. It can also be used for reuse of reclaimed water.

3. Papermaking wastewater treatment, instead of polyaluminum chloride, aluminum sulfate, etc., can be used as a coagulant, and can also be used for papermaking sludge dewatering. polymer), only polyaluminum chloride can be used.

上一个:copper sulfate 下一个:Polyferric sulfate


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